Free Teaching Videos are available for many of Pam’s books. Scroll down and look for the “free class videos” button under each book.
It’s easy to wake up troubled and fearful in a world marked by hatred and tribulation, but Jesus calls you to a better way. He calls you to tenacious joy even in life’s darkest days, to His joy made full in you!
Follow Jesus in the days leading up to the cross and learn the secret of true joy from the One who defeated death and gives abundant life. In Joy from the Upper Room, you’ll take an 8-lesson journey through John 13–17 using an inductive study approach that will flex to meet the changing needs of your life while guiding you into the unchanging Word of God.
JOY from the Upper Room
Flexible inductive Bible study of John 13-17
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 128 pages • 8-lesson study
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1 to 2 workbooks: $7.50 anywhere within the United States (yes, that includes you Alaska and Hawaii!).
3 to 19 workbooks: $15.00 anywhere within the United States.
Have you ever “followed your heart” smack dab into an enormous mess? Find a better way.
This study will guide you to identify the similarities between the days of the judges and our days. You’ll discover the life-changing truth that Jesus is the One who offers the ultimate deliverance and peace every person so desperately longs for and needs!
Living Free in Days of Oppression
Flexible inductive Bible study of Judges
6”x9” paperback workbook • 194 pages • 8-week study
Has suffering, grief and affliction worn you down? There is One who knows your pain.
When guilt and shame overwhelm, the One who knows you fully offers the perfect remedy.
In this flexible study, you’ll come face to face with Jesus in the pages of the Old Testament and find the confidence you need to walk in hope even during life’s most difficult days.
To Suffer • To Serve • To Save
Flexible inductive Bible study of Isaiah 53
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 110 pages • 8-lesson study
Walk with confidence in a world of wolves, obeying Jesus' command to "be wise as serpents and innocents as doves."
Wisdom seems elusive in an unhinged world where people see themselves as ultimate authorities, but God never meant for His children to be ignorant about how to live in any circumstances. It's time to be savvy!
God’s Truth for a Life that Works
Flexible inductive Bible study of Proverbs
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 162 pages • 8-week study
No matter where you are, there’s always another step to take.
There are always others who can influence you and those you can influence. How far your pebble of influence will ripple in the lives of others, only God knows.
Living and Sharing a Life of Wisdom
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 128 pages • 8-week course • Free Class Videos
In our day, everything from music to politics is described as "Christian," but are they?
Is Jesus what our society or culture says He is? And who are the people who belong to Him? How can you know? Biblical truth can only be understood straight from God's Word, not opinion polls.
In "A Message From God: Light Living in a Dark World" you'll unpack 1 John in just seven lessons and see God's message for yourself without the "middleman" of others' opinions and ideas!
A Message from God
Light Living in Dark Days
Flexible inductive Bible study of I John
6”x9” paperback workbook • 120 pages • 7-lesson study
The world is a scary place. You don’t want to worry, you just want to know everything is going to be okay.
Pam and Jan, both recovering worriers themselves, understand, and in this study show you how to embrace God's peace that passes all understanding.
No Worries
Learning to Trust Our Sovereign God
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 124 pages • 8-week course • Free Class Videos
In a selfie world where image is everything and self is central, Jesus calls His people to selfless living…
and provides the perfect example in His own life and ministry having come to earth "not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
In this six-week study, you'll look for yourself at the biblical accounts of Jesus, John the Baptist, Isaiah, and others to learn God's truth about pride, humility, and how to live a Christ-centered life in a self-centered world. Appropriate for both adults and teens.
Selfless Living in a Selfie World
Flexible inductive Bible study on
Christ-Centered Living
6”x9” paperback workbook • 194 pages • 8-week study
In a world of sensational spiritual claims, do you ever wonder when you should listen and when you should run?
Jesus warned His disciples in Matthew 24:24 that "false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."
IT'S TIME TO STOP WONDERING and start discovering biblical answers so you can discern and stand firm in these last days. In this study, you'll examine the Bible for yourself and hear God's voice throughout the pages of the Old Testament. You'll also start learning how to identify the source and methods of other voices that seek to destroy.VOICES: Old Testament
Voices: Old Testament
Hearing God in a World of Impostors
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 206 pages • 8-Lessons
When so many voices claim to speak for God, how do you know what to do?
Jesus and His Apostles spoke many times about false prophets and warned against those who disguise themselves as harmless sheep but are in fact wolves ready for the kill. They taught how to stand firm in truth in the face of these threats.
Lying prophets, fraudulent spirits, and false teachings threatened the early Church and they continue to do so today. Believers should constantly stand guard against those who cleverly "lie against the truth" (James 3:14).
Considering the fact that the New Testament closed special revelation, we'll look at how God communicates to His people today so we can learn to differentiate the true and the false and stand firm in these last days.
Voices: New Testament
Hearing God in a World of Impostors
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 160 pages • 8-Lessons
How do you love in a world that hates?
Loving like Jesus loves is a tall order even when people love us in return! But how on earth do we love like Jesus loves in a world that hates?
The Apostle Paul lays out real-life solutions in 1 Corinthians 13 painting a vivid picture of what love is and isn't, what love does and doesn't.
Invest 8 weeks in discovering God's Truth for yourself through this almost too-practical inductive Bible study of 1 Corinthians 13.
Loving Like Jesus
In a World That Hurts and Hates
Flexible inductive Bible study of I Corinthians 13
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 144 pages • 8-lesson study
Discover for yourself the truth about Jesus!
Some people call Him a good man, others call Him a prophet. Still others call Him God Almighty! For the most important decision you will ever make, don’t depend on the opinions of others—discover the truth for yourself about Jesus!
Jesus, Sweetest Name I Know
Who Jesus is and why it matters
Flexible inductive Bible study
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 130 pages • 6-week study
It's easy to be 'bewitched' by 'another gospel' if you don't know the True Gospel.
The Galatians, like many people today, went along with what felt right in the moment rather than standing firm on truth, but the Apostle Paul was unwilling to leave them in their muddled thinking. In the midst of zealous deceivers, Paul reminds his reader then and now that at the heart of the True Gospel is the cross of Jesus Christ, that God has always saved His people by faith, and that in Christ God turns slaves into sons! Growing weary in slippery times? Solid truth is the antidote. In a world of mysticism, syncretism, and other false teaching, it's critical to know truth for yourself so you can discern the influence of 'other gospels' and live in the power and freedom of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Solid Truth
for Slippery Times
Flexible inductive Bible study of Galatians
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 134 pages • 6-lesson study
Being a kid is great, when you're a kid. Now, it's time to grow up!
In a culture that increasingly lets "kids be kids" well into the early adult years, is it any wonder the church faces challenges in growing believers to maturity? Extended immaturity, though, is not a new problem.
Paul, writing to the Ephesians, called his fellow believers to "Grow up!" The call remains today--for you and me!
Walking verse by verse through the book of Ephesians, we'll unpack what it means to be "in Christ" and what this has to do with growing up in the faith and holding fast when others are being carried by winds of doctrine. You'll discover for yourself what God has to say about how to live the grown-up Christians life!
Grow Up
Moving Past Spiritual Adolescence
Flexible inductive Bible study of Ephesians
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 154 pages • 10-lesson study
Where can I find power to follow God?
How do I know God hears my prayers?
What does be "called by God" mean? Can I ever be separated from God's love? "Mindset: Learning and Living the Will of God" dives deep into Romans 8 and takes us on a journey across the pages of Scripture to discover truth for ourselves and wrestle with how knowing truth and thinking biblically will change how we see the world and live in it. We can't stop with knowing truth . . . we need to press on and live it!
Learning and Living the Will of God
Flexible inductive Bible study of Romans 8
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 138 pages • 6-lesson study
Learn the big picture of the Bible using God's summary in Hebrews 11.
Often viewed simply as "the faith chapter," Hebrews 11 provides so much more as it propels readers to a quick and clear understanding of the Bible's history of redemption. This application-rich study meets new students with the basics of inductive study and pushes advanced students to go even further in discovering truth for themselves.
Hebrews 11
A Big-Picture Guide to the Bible
Flexible inductive Bible study
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 136 pages • 6-week study
Discover what God’s Word says about God’s Word.
In six brief lessons you will journey through the Bible’s greatest Psalm devoted to the theme of the Word of God. Discover insights, practical wisdom, and deep truths that will strengthen your walk and relationship with Jesus Christ. Is reading the Bible like eating your vegetables? Or is it…
Sweeter than Chocolate
Sweet Words and Real Solutions from God’s Book
Flexible inductive Bible study of Psalm 119
8.5”x11” paperback workbook • 134 pages • 6-lesson study