Pam Gillaspie

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Lesson Ten—It Starts and Ends with Jesus!

We Made It!!

For some of us, this has been a ten-week journey through the New Testament; for others it has been a thirty-week trek through the whole Bible . . . and here we are at the finish line! Let's spend some time reflecting and discussing what we've learned!

What was your biggest take away from reading Revelation this week? 

Having spent these last weeks invested in the Word of God, why do you think it is important to know God's Word for yourself?

How will you continue to pursue God through His Word as you move on from this class?

How can you encourage and help others to pursue God through His Word?

Remember, our Sweeter than Chocolate!® Ephesians class kicks off on September 14. Why not sign up today?

Finally, don't forget that when you make a gift of any amount to Precept Ministries International through August 24, we'll send you the brand new Sweeter than Chocolate!® Ephesians workbook as our thank you for your support.

If you're running a different pace, please keep posting on the blog as you continue to progress. My assistant Mary Ann and I will be monitoring the blogs and joining in the discussion!

Looking forward to hearing from you!


pam :)